Psychedelic Substances

Science and spirituality both agree that psychedelics have a profound beneficial effect on the mind and body. Multiple studies shown how the biology of these incredible substances work to create physical and mental healing.
Illness can manifest in the body because of toxicity, and trauma. Psychedelics can help with both by healing the trauma stored inside us.
Through-out our lives we form patterns that create deep pathways within our thought processes. These pathways are formed from repeated experiences creating an attachment and identification with certain behaviors. These behaviors can be both positive and negative. Some will create joy and happiness and others will create dysfunction and suffering.
Psychedelics allow us to view these events and patterns from a more spacious perspective, and equally important, they help us to create new pathways that promote healing and positivity. This process can be achieved through microdosing or low/heroic dose sessions. Microdosing and low-dose sessions take more time and may not go as deep as a heroic session, but can still be very affective.
When we partner with these medicines with the intention to view, move, and heal traumas and physical pain, they can help us actualize our hopes and dreams, living a happier, fuller life.
Psychedelic Subsances

Plant Medicines
Magic Mushrooms/Psilocybin
Treats anxiety, depression and over-active brain. Assists with healing the brain of confusion, trauma, and stress. Helps us feel more connected, balanced and focused.
Treats depression, anxiety, trauma and lack of clarity. Assists us with finding inner strength and guidance, relaxes the nervous system, provides nurturing and support. Offers a reconnection to the divine feminine.
Treats addiction, disassociation, poor memory, ADHD, OCD and inaccountability. Assists with clarity and truth, helping people with integrity issues.
San Pedro
Treats lack of energy, alcoholism, and heartbreak. Brings back access to lightness and joy. Assists with healing and processing grief and sadness.
Provides pain relief and physical healing. Helps to heal blockages from our past.

Treats addiction, depression and anxiety. Mind opener, having positive impact on behaviors and view points to collaboratively interact with your environment.
Treats trauma and social anxiety. External heart opener providing the ability to experience external love. Assists with loving more deeply and unselfishly. Improves interpersonal relationships and communication.
Treats self-worth and interpersonal challenges. Internal heart opener provides space for self-acceptance and self-love. Assists with understanding self, thought processes, behaviors, and how to improve them.
Supports healing process through improved mental processing. Mind opener allowing for transcendent integration and clarity. Unlocks personal mental freedom by revealing new healthy perspectives.
Synthetic Medicine

Toad Medicine
Treats depression, addiction and chronic pain. Heals and cleanses the body, removing low vibrational energy. Assists with stamina, heightened senses, and environmental awareness.
Treats depression, anxiety and trauma. Assists with enhanced life satisfaction and ability to connection with one's self and others.